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Inside Jokes
My collection of inside jokes I share with my friends and some of their quotes. Most people won't get these, but some of them are kinda funny.

ME- *Anyone here munch butts?* It's not like Tori is Martha Stuart!* Fuck the fuckin' fucker!*

TORI- *I perfer champagne, it's more formal and elegant* Fruity bitch butt fag* Well I'm not gonna say it's illegal...*

ME & TAI- *It's the monkey!*

ME & LIZZY - *Bakock power to you*

ELONE - *He just said he smells like shit*

JR - *I can tell the future with my magic ball*

MEGAN- *How the hell can it be busy?!?! It's an 800 number!!!*

ME, TORI & ERIN - *Don't talk about Mr.Clinnick's stapler!*